Adrià Sunyer Caldú
Positon: PostDoc
Partner institute: Stockholm University (SU)
Research focus: I am an analytical chemist with knowledge in target and nontarget approaches applied to different environmental and human samples. Recently, my focus has been put on the exposome and how it can affect human health.
Work package(s): WP1, WP2, WP3
Role in INQUIRE: Within INQUIRE we are deploying polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) passive samplers across Europe and I am working on the target and nontarget analysis of the semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) absorbed in the samplers.
What got me interested in research in the first place: I’m really excited to participate in INQUIRE because it will provide novel data on hazardous determinants for infants and young children, enhancing the identification of unknown chemical compounds.
My favourite thing about being a researcher: Being a researcher means that every single day you face a new challenge or a problem to solve, and facing different challenges continuously is exciting. I’m always motivated and looking forward to learn new things that can help me tackle day-to-day challenges and make me a better scientist.