Young researchers of INQUIRE

Stijn Bosschaerts

Positon: Lab technician

Partner institute: Antwerp University

Work package(s):  WP2

Role in INQUIRE:

Sample preparation and analysis of urine samples for Phthalates, Alternative Plasticizers and Organophosphate Flame Retardants (OPFRs).

What I am most interested about working with in INQUIRE:

I think the mission of INQUIRE to determine the indoor air quality is something that concerns us all as we spend a lot of our time indoors (and as I have 2 young kids). It is also something, I think most of the people don’t even consider being a health risk (I didn’t before I started working here). Therefore I’m really eager to be able to work on this project and very curious what the results will bring, especially, and what the project can accomplish concerning health regulations, attention to materials/products used indoor. Also I’m interested if this will affect consumers view on buying/using certain products/materials.

Hobbies: Sports and piano.